
Ebba Moi (1971 swe/no), lives and works in Oslo, Norway. She graduated from Trondheim Art Academy in 1999 and works mainly with socially engaged art. She works as an artist, curator, project manager and producer in various self-initiated projects, exhibitions and public assignments. Working within the field of socially engaged art, her interest lies in developing this practice, which is based on participation as a way of working. Frequently engaging within public space, her focus lies in involvement and process as artistic strategy. Key words are collaborative participation, direct dialogue, the politics of the real, time as material, process-orientated outcomes.

Ebba Moi has a long and in-depth artistic practice in process-based socially engaged art and public space. She works exclusively collectively and is a
passionate politically engaged artist who wants to promote meetings in the artistic process, where analysis of power structures is central. She constantly builds bridges between people and institutions. She emphasises that the art scene in the global north is largely homogeneous in relation to class affiliation. How do underrepresented groups gain access to art, practice and the art scene? Through her artistic work, she has created generous platforms where this has been explored.

Moi is also involved in running Tenthaus - an art collective and artist-run space in Oslo initiated in 2009, and she has made several public art assignments and exhibitions such as the Norwegian Sculpture Biennale, Akershus kunstsenter, Tenthaus, Kristiansand Kunsthall.

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